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Hunger; the endless cycle of want.

 I know I start every post saying I am sorry, and guess what, I am going to do the same time. My update schedule is crap, but- okay, no 'but' there. I hate waiting for something and I know many people out there do too. Either way, shout out to New Lad  for commenting on my blog. Thank you so much, it means a lot. Now, back to the topic. This post is about- you guessed it, food. Food is life. Honestly. I am a foodie, aka somebody who loves to eat food. I literally inhale food  when I am hungry. I come from a family who cherishes food and loves it with all their might. My mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother are all great cooks. Their food is so good, it makes you want to worship them. So you might be thinking I am a great cook too right? Well, you are not wrong. You are very very very wrong. I am a horrible  cook. I suck at cooking. I cook so bad, even the ingredients I use are horrified at what I have done to them. Just like this.  Funny memes aside,...

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