Quarantine and body works™
I know that sounds suspiciously similar to a shop name. (I hope you know this one) But let me tell you, this title is so not copied from it. This one is all me. *does a hair flip* Anyway, this post is about our health. I know the previous line sounds boring but... okay fine there is no but hey, who knows. This might turn out to be interesting after all!
Very High Optimism aside, Seasonal greetings! I know I haven't been updating much. I had a bit of writer's block for some time but hey, I am back. (also for some reason I have this insane urge to write at 1 am in the morning. Don't worry, this post was written at a respectable time for a teenager.)
Anyway, in this quarantine, there are three types of people. Type 1- Those people who have been working out religiously for the last 8 months every day. Type 2- Those people who have been lazing around for about 2-3 months and then have started working out. And the final type, ladies and gentlemen are the ones who have been lazing around for all 8 months.
Safe to say I belong to the 3rd group.
In the first two months, I did nothing. I read books. I binged Netflix. Heck, I played carrom and cards with my family. After those two months, after some advice (read nagging) from my parents, I started cycling. Cycling doesn't really qualify as a workout in my dictionary. I barely sweated. Okay yeah, my t-shirt got soaked every time I went cycling but that because of the crazy-ass humidity where I live. The first two months I cycled, it was boring. I mean, I cycled for half an hour without any motivation. Then I started to listen to music while cycling. And boy was that an upgrade. It was sooooo much better than listening to kids shouting while playing pathetic football. (and yes, it's football for me. NOT SOCCER)
Our house has a terrace. I loved it. I go there every day at 5:30ish and stay there for an hour or a half. It's serene. And very silent compared to my house. The sunset is beautiful from up there. I don't really click photos of it though. I honestly think sunsets and sunrises look better in our eyes than in any camera. Seriously, I tried it. My phone makes the bright sunsets into a dull pastel color. Either way, I walk around the terrace. It's fun. Gives me a lot of thinking time. Buttt it isn't considered as a workout. Honestly. It's just walking.
So, my parents now gave me some more advice. (read again as more nagging) They wanted me to start skipping. So I did. For 2 months or so, I skipped 100....... what do you call them, laps? Yeah, I am calling them laps. So I skip 100 laps a day. Then the exam season came. I stopped skipping. Japan came in all its glory. I stopped. Project season came. I stopped. So yeah, I began to you know... slowly skip skipping. (a horrible pun I know. Bear with me here.)
That is literally all of my quarantine workouts. My stamina total shi-crap. I went jogging once. I drank some milk before running and I ended up puking it out after running 3 rounds because my dumbass brain thought that nothing will happen if I work out after drinking a glass of milk. It was good while it lasted though. (I mean the running part, NOT the puking)
The whole time I stayed home, my phone has literally become a part of my body. Along with my laptop. I read all the time on my phone and attend classes and do project work on my laptop. I have glasses, yes, but I don't usually wear them because they are just so damn uncomfortable. I should buy new ones anyway. I am sure my power must have increased in 8 months. (that's a cool sentence)My poor eyes have suffered so much *sniffles*. Screens shouldn't have those harmful UV rays that your parents have told you about one too many times.
I have honestly tried to limit screen time, but it's freaking impossible. I have to do all my work on one screen or the other. Ugh. Down points of quarantine. So yeah, this post is me telling you guys about my crappy workout and lots of screen time. All those who have been working out religiously, hats off to you. You guys have a lot of will power. I cant relate.
Stay safe, stay home (and be bored)
I didn't mean to offend anyone. It's just my opinion. No offense to anybody out there.
Keeping the phone down seems like a dream now +_+