PE classes and full stomachs

 Helloooo world. Gods, it's been ages since I've posted. And no, for once, it's not because I was lazy. An institution for educating children, aka school, aka every child's nightmare, has kept me busy for the past 2 months. When I say busy, I mean the phew-i-have-so-much-work-to-do-before-i-sleep busy. Trust me, every one of my friends can relate so hard to this. Since school has kept me this busy, I thought 'Hey! why not write a post on my school itself'. And so, here we are.


The current school that I am studying in is the same one I have been going to since I was in 5th grade. Needless to say, I know my class well. We have been together for close to 4 years, so we all know each other's skillsets. Now, you might be thinking why I am talking about this. Well, this one important fact plays a big role in the biggest activity schools give us (besides exams).


Yes, projects. Our school finds exceeding pleasure in continuously working their students. Whenever we finish our exams, we get a butt load of projects, and by the time we finish our projects, we have our exams coming up. Like all schools, our school gives us group projects, with assigned group members, Whether you get the good ones, or the dumb ones are honestly the teachers choice. And trust me, some of the teachers are evil. Real evil. 

School used to be a hella lot of fun, you know when we actually went there. Yeah, good times. Okay, I'll admit it, the first 3 months without school, I missed it. A lot. As much as I hate some people in my class, I miss my classmates. (And if you ever ask me about this, I will deny it. Period) Group projects in the school itself used to be a pain in the- used to be a pain. So when our dear teachers told us to do group projects in lockdown, I panicked. Some of my dear classmates don't even know how to make a ppt. So, instead of being a snitch, I gave them some tiny job and I, being the great one, did all their work. And yes, I made it a hundred times better. 

Group projects are one thing. Our school has always been high on extracurricular activities. We enjoyed the sports, the archery, all the fun ones. School cinema used to be (and still is) a ton of fun. Okay, the movies always had some morals but it was mostly fun because... it gave us some free time. PE was everybody's favorite though. The sporty ones in our class could play whatever they want while the girly ones could... walk. On the ground. Round and round. Yeah, they could catch up with the gossip at that time. Anyway, we could play any sport we want. Football, volleyball, basketball, horse riding, swimming anything. Since we were enjoying all these activities so much, our school thought that we should do these activities in our virtual classes too. Yeah. So now, we have dance, music, PE, and school cinema. 

Our class, being wonderfully clever and devious, switched off our videos. After a lot of threatening and pleading from teachers, we showed our faces to them. Buttttt, no, they were still not happy with that. They wanted us to dance and exercise in front of the camera. To date, just 4 people in our class switch on their video and exercise in front of the camera. The rest of us exercise without switching on the video or just... bunk these classes. I mean it's called bunking technically. And the excuses, damn, the excuses. Our class is a professional in coming up with excuses. The title is actually the famous excuse of our class. If you figure it out (yay)  you get a, um, a sanitizer. 

To be very honest, I had been excited about virtual classes when they were starting. The excitement died down in one week. Turns out, virtual classes are just like school, except the fun parts like talking with friends in class.  How nice right? No wonder we lost interest soon. 

Honestly, I don't want school to start in December or January. I want to start afresh, a new year without any remainder of our favorite virus. Damn, that would be awesome. Anyway, to all the people getting nostalgic reading this... I fully intended to make you nostalgic. Thanks to my bff for literally threatening me into posting this one. Thanks a lot.

Peace ✌,


I didn't mean to offend anyone. Its just my opinion. No offense to anybody out there.


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